I use Twitter to.. curhat. share. Anything in single words. Maybe quotes, or maybe something that just passes my mind. Twitter juga gue pake buat ngilangin bosen gue kalau lagi gak ngapa2in. Karena gue bisa dengan gampangnya ngakses pake hp gue. Biasanya gue ngakses lewat dabr. Kalau di laptop atau komputer, biasanya lewat Tweet Deck. Twitter bener2 jadi temen gue aja kalau bosen. Yang suka bikin sedih adalah kalau abis pulsa atau gak ada sinyal atau batere abis heheheh. Thanks to Jack Dorsey.
mine: istiichi
Dulu gue pake fb buat wall2an dan berhubungan dengan orang lebih gampang, update status, and so. Tapi sekarang itu lebih gampang pake Twitter aja. Jadi gue pake fb biasanya buat message, publikasi event, ketemu temen lama, nyari orang, atau mungkin hanya untuk sekedar liat whose birthday today, hehe. OH YA yang paling penting dari fb adalah upload fotonya :)
Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg.
mine: Pramesti Istiandari
Windows Live Messenger
No doubt. My main place to chat with everyone. No longer explanation.
Thanks to Microsoft coorporation.
mine: caprichi14@hotmail.com
Yahoo! Messenger
Tempat gue ngobrol sama temen2 gue dari luar negeri :) Kayak Sarine, dari Iran dama ada Asutilla dari Philippine. Thanks to Jerry Yang and David Filo
mine: kiarichiki_page
TEMPAT GUE NULIS KAYAK BEGINI INI. Random things. Tempat gue ngabisin waktu. Tempat gue ngerasa there is still a place where I can put all my thoughts. No need to be read. No need to be pointed out. Just need to be exist. I love Blogger. It is simple. I have tried to use w***p**** and it's really complicated. This is where I can, hm, what, improve my English? Hm.. This is where I can USE my English. Thanks to Evan Williams
mine: crayonice.blogspot.com
I can say, IT IS MY LIFE. Where I 'create' something. Where I can show to the world that I can be creative. Hm, lebih ke hobi sih. Di sini hobi dan minat gue bener2 bisa terwujudkan :) No further explanation. Thanks to Adobe Systems (can't find the former name :'')
Gue jarang sih pake dA. Gue aktif dA hanya kalau gue lagi punya foto buat diupload. I love it there. Banyak orang2 kreatif, yang bikin gue gregetan banget. Gue juga pengen bisa jadi kayak mereka. Insya Allah one day. Amin. dan di sana juga gue jadi ngerasa gak sia2 udah ngumpulin foto2 bagus banyak2, udah ngedit2, udah nyalurin minat bakat. Ada tempat buat 'show off'nya lah istilahnya hehe. Thanks to Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, and Mathew Stephens.
My all music life is right in there. My time consumer. My life colors. No further explanation. Very thank you to Steve Jobs!
iPod Nano 4th Generation Pink
Little pocketable musically thing :> Her name is Pink Panther. Thank you again for Steve Jobs :3
Online comics. Hmmm, no further information :p
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