Kelas reguler adalah kelas yang paling banyak muridnya dan paling common. Semua sekolah pasti punya kelas reguler. Untuk sekolah – sekolah menengah ke atas, isi satu kelas reguler adalah sekitar 30 – 40 orang siswa. Kelas ini bisa dibilang kelas yang paling biasa karena sebagian besar murid sekolahan adalah siswa reguler. Lo ga bakal banyak nemuin perbedaan jenis orang, sistem pengajaran, situasi dan kondisi kelas, walaupun itu tergantung juga pada taraf sekolahnya. Walaupun merupakan kelas yang paling common, reguler juga ada kelebihannya. Lo bakal lebih cepet, gampang, dan banyak punya temen. Lingkungan lo juga ga di situ – situ aja. Lo bakal lebih deket, kenal, dan sayang sama angkatan lo. Lo juga bisa lebih mudah eksis di sekolah karena bahan pelajaran atau beban – beban akademik lo setara sama yang lain, ga ada yang ditambah – tambahin. Bisa aktif di OSIS, MPK, ekskul, dan organisasi sekolah yang lain. Kemungkinan lo dicengin atau dibeda – bedain juga kecil. Soalnya sekian banyak orang yang nasibnya sama sama lo. Tinggal tergantung lonya aja mau bersikap gimana. Tapi di reguler yang kurangnya sih di pengalamannya aja. Lo hanya akan belajar dengan sistem yang itu – itu aja. Sama, melatih bagaimana lo bersikap di lingkungan yang berbeda dengan orang kebanyakan. Di reguler lo bisa menjadi pemegang angkatan dengan pendukung yang banyak.
Yang udah jelas perbedaannya, aksel akan melewati masa sekolahnya lebih cepat dari yang lain. Karena gue aksel pas SMP, so gue cuma 2 tahun SMPnya. Biasanya juga, kelas aksel isi kelasnya ga begitu banyak, mungkin hanya setengah atau 2/3 dari reguler. Di setiap sekolah juga jumlah kelas aksel beda – beda. Waktu gue dulu di Labschool Rawamangun, kelas aksel ada 2. Aksel 1 untuk angkatan aksel di tahun pertama dan Aksel 2 untuk angkatan aksel yang lagi belajar di tahun ke 2. Sistem pengajarannya juga beda sama yang lain. Lebih cepet, efektif, lebih banyak belajar sendiri, dan sering ulangan. Sistem belajarnya, 3 semester itu 1 tahun. Jadi, kalau lo lagi midtest, kita UUB. Kalau lo bagi rapot bayangan, kita udah rapot beneran. Uang bayaran juga beda. Kalau dulu pas di Labs, reguler 400.000 per bulan, sedangkan aksel 450.000 – 500.000 per bulan. Tapi kalau dihitung jumlahnya di akhir tahun pelajaran, lebih murah yang aksel. Reguler : 400.000 x 12 bulan x 3 tahun, sedangkan aksel : 500.000 x 12 bulan x 2 tahun. Jadi masuk aksel sekalian ngirit uang sekolah.Pas aksel 1 kita pasti masih deket banget sama angkatan masuk kita, tapi nanti aksel 2, udah ga bakal begitu. Kegiatan kita udah bakal jarang bareng sama mereka. Kita mulai harus bisa adaptasi di lingkungan baru, yang isinya kakak kelas semua. Gak semua kakak kelas suka cengin kita kok. Yang baik juga banyak. Tapi ga jarang kita jadi sering dipojokin. Milih kelas aksel artinya milih untuk sibuk dan waktu untuk organisasi dan kegiatan sekolah juga jadi terbatas. Di aksel angkatan gue yang jadi OSIS hanya 1 orang dan itu sibuknya keliatan banget. Lo tetep harus bisa mempertahankan nilai lo juga. Di UUB smt 1, ada kemungkinan kalau nilai lo sangat jelek dan dibawah nilai standar, lo bisa diturunin ke kelas reguler lagi. Untung pas angkatan gue gak ada. Enaknya kelas aksel bakal kerasa pas lo udah lulus duluan. Lo bakal ngerasa excited banget. Lo bisa seangkatan, sekelas sama yang dulunya lo kenal adalah kakak kelas lo. Lo yang tadinya takut, bisa jadi deket sama mereka, manggil nama tanpa ’kak’, have fun bareng mereka. Lo ngelewatin masa – masa itu duluan daripada temen seangkatan lo yang lain dengan cara yang berbeda. Dan, yang paling asyik, lo bisa meng-adek kelaskan temen – temen lo yang dulu seangkatan sama lo. Jadi anak aksel ga ngehambat lo pas di tahun ajaran baru. Gue, aksel SMP, dan di SMA, gue sekelas ama kakak kelas yang dulu gue takutin, dan sekarang kita jadi temen. Tempat curhat pula. Ga pernah kebayang sebelumnya. Gue bisa kerja sama bareng mereka, bahkan jadi ketua mereka dalem sebuah kegiatan. Dan kata – kata ’anak aksel’ buat lo tetep bakal terdengar, tapi justru bakal membuat lo merasa hebat. It’s such a wonderful experience for me.
The International program that is taken by SMAN 8 Jakarta based on Cambridge curriculum and the syllabus as well. You’ll be asked to speak English and study in English in every lesson. Firstly, I was really unconfident to be in the International class, since I knew that they are must be many students master in English much better than me. But so far, I can do it well, thankfully. There are 5 subjects that based on the Cambridge curriculum. They are math, physics, chemistry, biology, and English. We don’t just study about that 5 subjects from the international curriculum, but also regular subjects such as economy, art, geography, PE, religion, and Indonesian. Although our subjects are less than the regular’s, there are some unlucky things too for us. We don’t have cinematography and Germany subjects. I’m sure it is quite fun to learn. The International program was the most complicated class type I’ve ever been. And also the most expensive, of course. I won’t tell you how much it is because it is different in different schools. In the first year you’ll have IGCSE level, in second year will be A Level, and the third year will be AS Level. You can just go through your Senior High in a year, if you want to. After you finished your one-year SHS, you can take Pre-University and study for about a year before you can right away go to the University. The University that you can take if you just spend a year in SHS, which means that you go to the university just based on your IGCSE exam, only just the abroad university, not in Indonesia because you haven’t been given the certificate from Diknas. You can also pass your SHS in two years, so you go to university based on you’re a Level exam. If I’m not mistaken, you can go to the local university because you may have your UN in the second year and then you can have your local certificate. You have to study about the materials needed by yourself. The first year is the most important year that decides in which major you will be. Between science and humanity. The 10th grade has 2 classes, X Inter A and X Inter B and then in the second year they will be divided into 2 majors, science and humanity. The 11th grade has 3 classes, XI Science A, XI Science B, and XI Humanity. And the last, 12th grade has 2 classes, XII Science and XII Humanity. Why are the total of the class in each grade different? It is because some of the students have gone or passed the SHS and go to the university earlier. I have decided that I’ll take the three-years international program, which means until I have passed the AS Level examination. I don’t want to spend my SHS that fast, just slow and steady but surely. High school never ends, doesn’t it? Started from my generation, international students may active in school organization and it really makes me thanks God. International class is usually talked by some people as a ‘thrown class’. They think the international students are just are just they who is glamorous, rich, people with their UN marks below the others. It is NOT TRUE at all. It is not that I defend my self or my friends. Some of us got more than 37 for their UN marks. Last year, international classes haven’t been allowed to participate in school organization, activities, and so on. But now, we are allowed. I have many friends from regular class. Some of my best friends are there. I don’t feel that international class is as bad as what people think. I’m enjoying my class. In international program, we have native class which is taught by native people. My class has ever been taught by some native speakers. They are from England, Holland, Canada, Norway, and so on. My class feels that native class is one of the most interesting classes. Not only the teachers who have ever stayed in another country. Some of my classmates have ever stayed in other country as well, like Canada, Australia, and Russia for years.
Menarik bukan? Berada di berbeda tempat, teman, situasi, dan kondisi. Ngasih gue pengalaman tersendiri untuk itu. Gimana menurut lo? Kelas tipe mana yang menurut lo paling asik? Atau mungkin lo mau sharing tentang jenis kelas yang lo pernah jalanin? Komen gue ya, gue mau tau, hehe.
27 Januari 2009
Happy Birthday PW!
Repost from my older blog
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