Thursday, July 15, 2010

Josep Frank's Arts

I'll rite about his Biography later. I love him definitely!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Counting Down to July

It's still 30 of June.

After passing 00.00 on my laptop's clock, I'd like to make a July wishes.

5 minutes left....,
4 minutes....,

Ok, Happy New Month! *freak*

Gue terinspirasi bikin July wishes juga gara2 liat tweet kakak kelas gue. Hm, I don't want to wish so many. Some of them:

- Have new fabulous classmates, no matter who. To entertain my last year in high school :'''''''''''''''''')
- Have an amazing trip to Pulau Seribu with Pramuka later.
- Schoolympic & Akoforsi go successfully!!
- Can study harder
- Make my dad's birthday special :)
- Be a better person.

Amin, Amin, Amin, Ya Rabbal Alamin ^^

Goodbye June 2010. You have given me a lot of pleasures and miseries :) It is not that June is so special. It is just I'm in the mood to blog this, and, maybe because I have a real wish for this July.

"A goal that is not written, is only a wish."-Sean Covey, 7 Habits
but it is my wish and I wrote it -,- oh wtv.

Oke deh babay :*

Rekomen Terselubung!

Isinya asik, dijamin :) gue juga gak dibayar tuh ngiklan begini wkwk. gue juga diem2 aja. gak kenal juga sama orangnya. tapi isi blognya berisi banget. kadang suka aneh sih gue suka gak percaya wekekek. sukses terus buat terselubung! :)


'If being myself is disturbing, who should I be?'

picture taken from *Eliara

Teman - Teman Mayaku

I use Twitter to.. curhat. share. Anything in single words. Maybe quotes, or maybe something that just passes my mind. Twitter juga gue pake buat ngilangin bosen gue kalau lagi gak ngapa2in. Karena gue bisa dengan gampangnya ngakses pake hp gue. Biasanya gue ngakses lewat dabr. Kalau di laptop atau komputer, biasanya lewat Tweet Deck. Twitter bener2 jadi temen gue aja kalau bosen. Yang suka bikin sedih adalah kalau abis pulsa atau gak ada sinyal atau batere abis heheheh. Thanks to Jack Dorsey.

mine: istiichi

Dulu gue pake fb buat wall2an dan berhubungan dengan orang lebih gampang, update status, and so. Tapi sekarang itu lebih gampang pake Twitter aja. Jadi gue pake fb biasanya buat message, publikasi event, ketemu temen lama, nyari orang, atau mungkin hanya untuk sekedar liat whose birthday today, hehe. OH YA yang paling penting dari fb adalah upload fotonya :)
Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg.

mine: Pramesti Istiandari

Windows Live Messenger

No doubt. My main place to chat with everyone. No longer explanation.
Thanks to Microsoft coorporation.


Yahoo! Messenger

Tempat gue ngobrol sama temen2 gue dari luar negeri :) Kayak Sarine, dari Iran dama ada Asutilla dari Philippine. Thanks to Jerry Yang and David Filo

mine: kiarichiki_page


TEMPAT GUE NULIS KAYAK BEGINI INI. Random things. Tempat gue ngabisin waktu. Tempat gue ngerasa there is still a place where I can put all my thoughts. No need to be read. No need to be pointed out. Just need to be exist. I love Blogger. It is simple. I have tried to use w***p**** and it's really complicated. This is where I can, hm, what, improve my English? Hm.. This is where I can USE my English. Thanks to Evan Williams


Adobe Photoshop CS2

I can say, IT IS MY LIFE. Where I 'create' something. Where I can show to the world that I can be creative. Hm, lebih ke hobi sih. Di sini hobi dan minat gue bener2 bisa terwujudkan :) No further explanation. Thanks to Adobe Systems (can't find the former name :'')

Gue jarang sih pake dA. Gue aktif dA hanya kalau gue lagi punya foto buat diupload. I love it there. Banyak orang2 kreatif, yang bikin gue gregetan banget. Gue juga pengen bisa jadi kayak mereka. Insya Allah one day. Amin. dan di sana juga gue jadi ngerasa gak sia2 udah ngumpulin foto2 bagus banyak2, udah ngedit2, udah nyalurin minat bakat. Ada tempat buat 'show off'nya lah istilahnya hehe. Thanks to Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, and Mathew Stephens.

AXN & Star World

My TV channels with superb TV shows that are really loyal to accompany me whenever I have time :)


My all music life is right in there. My time consumer. My life colors. No further explanation. Very thank you to Steve Jobs!

iPod Nano 4th Generation Pink

Little pocketable musically thing :> Her name is Pink Panther. Thank you again for Steve Jobs :3

Online comics. Hmmm, no further information :p

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maaf mau cuap cuap

Gue tuh sekalinya ngeblog pasti ketagihan ini jadi sekalinya ada ide, ngebloooog terus. Liat aja tuh list posting gue. Bulan maret rame. Gue yakin tanggalnya deket2an. April kosong. Gue yakin itu lagi gak mood. Dan lihat bulan ini. Baru juga gue mulai ngeposting lagi dari kemaren. Udah sebanyak ini!

Helloooo saya moody sekaliii. Atau emang gue ngeblog karena gak ada kerjaan ya? Sepertinya begitu. Hmmmm. Maaf ya jadi kesannya ngebacot, postingnya banyak sekaligus (sok banget kayak ada yang baca aja)

Tapi ya gitu deh gue juga orangnya kayak yang gue bilang senengnya fokus sama sesuatu dan ga mau kepecah2. Kalau emang ini saatnya pikiran gue dan waktu gue buat ngeblog, ya banyak2inlah posting selagi mood. Kalau emang gak ya kapan2 lagi aja wueheheh

Semoga kalian tetap menikmati bacanya walau isinya gak jelas begini genrenya ganti2, ngek -__-

Oke dey c u bay bay~!

I do know how a firefly look like

Ini bukan foto aslinya, tapi kunang2 yang gue liat, paling mirip sama foto ini. Ini gue search aja di Google.

Gue ngeliat kunang2 pas gue lagi JM TPA LKS kemaren. It is, lovely. Warnanya ijo. Gue liat 2 kali. Tapi mereka sendiri2. Gak rame2. Gue kaget pas liat pertama kali. Gue ga kebayang itu kunang2. Warnanya ijo pekat, tapi terang. Terbang2 gitu, terus ilang. Kalau gue bisa foto, gue foto deh beneran, Tapi gue lagi JM ya plis mau berharap gue bisa foto pake apa juga huhu. Yang kepotret malah yang lain lagi hihih.

Semoga gue bisa ngeliat kunang2 lagi kapan2. Kayaknya..ngeliat kunang2 bisa bikin suasana hati langsung tentram deh :) Because, it is a like a glimpse of light in the middle of dark night. It is sweet.


MOSQIS is my 'dear' call for MOSQUITOS!!


demi apapun gue lama2 beneran benci sama nyamuk2 rumah gue!!

gigit gak kira2!! gatel minta ampun yaampun tolonggg
sampe jari2 gue digigitin. hasil bentol2nya maknyuss bangetttt. bisa gue pecahin udah kayak jerawat. isinya air gitu ga tau apaan ah lama2 bisa berdarah. anjeerrr lu napsu amat sih muk (nyamuk) ngisep2 gue hah

OH GOD! Look at hereeeee bekas gigitannya udah gak kayak gigitan nyamuk yg bentol kecil merah2!! udah kayak gigitan TAWON tau gak!!!

I really hate you and definitely want to kill you aaaaaaahhhh tapi gue ga punya apa2 sekarang ah siallll. ampe tiap malem gue bisa pake jaket cuma biar gak digigit padahal gak dingin jadi gue kepanasan. apa gue bener2 harus pake autan gitu ya?? Gue borong ah besok jirr mau nangis :''''
jadi bentol2 gini badan gueeeee

Gak lengan atas lengan bawah paha betis telapak tangan telapak kaki jari2!!! DAGU! PIPI! MAU APALAGI LO HAH aaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhh

Bener2 musti borong Autan!!! Bodo ah mau ngiklan juga hueeeeee

Red, Green, and White

I don't want to discuss and tell anything about where do the colors come from. I just don't want to feel haunted by them. Let me see them, usually.

These, what reminds me of those.

Uniform of Portugal soccer team and Italy's national flag.

Don't know what will come next.

I request another color, please!

I'm wondering about, Tornado.

Gue udah 2 kali mimpi tentang ngeliat tornado. Somehow, it makes me..think. It really thrills me. Everytime I look up to the sky, I wonder if a tornado is coming. Seeing those pictures above..really thrills me.

Mimpi pertama gue, gue lagi duduk di kamar gue yang lama. Yaitu kamar nyokap gue sekarang. Gue lagi diem2 aja, sampai langit di luar jadi gelap. Gue ngeliat dari jendela kamar gue yang terletak di lantai 2 itu, ada tornado di seberang sana. Di kompleks deket rumah gue. Dan terasa nyata. Gue masih inget bentuknya. Warnanya agak abu2. Diameternya sedang. Gak kurus2 juga tornadonya. Dia cuma jalan sedikit atau diam di tempat. Gue cuma duduk ngeliatin. Entah gimana, gue kayak cuma nunggu dia mau ngapain. Gue gak takut. Hanya khawatir. Agak emo gitu emang suasananya kalau gak salah. Dan orang sekitar rumah gue juga ga rame.

Mimpi kedua gue belum lama ini. Sekitar 5 hari yang lalu (tuh kan sampe masih diinget). Mimpinya gue lagi di sebuah gedung lantainya tinggiiii. Gue gak tau lantai berapa. Gue ngeliat tornado putih. Tebelnya gak jauh beda sama yang di mimpi pertama gue. Terus gue panik. Tiba2 scene mimpi gue berpindah sekali, menyorot ke tornado yang lain. Geraknya cepet. Warnanya.. putih atau abu gue lupa. Sampe akhirnya scenenya berpindah lagi untuk menyorot ke tornado ke 3. Seinget gue ada 3 tornado. Gue panik, tapi gue gak tau lagi ngapain juga. Tiba2 mimpinya udah ganti aja.

Jadinya setiap gue ngeliat langit gelap, gue penasaran, bakal dateng tornado apa gak. Imagine the wind swirls faster and forms a loop, the sky goes darker, and it comes the tornado.

I don't know what it means. I'm just hoping nothing will to do with tornado.

It is just not the time :)

Announcement, pals.

Gue gak lolos tingkat provinsi OSN untuk ke nasional, yaitu ke Medan.

Maaf banget ya buat semua pihak yang udah naro harapan ke gue, yang gue kecewain. Gue gak enak banget sama kalian semua.
Truthfully, buat guenya sendiri sih gak begitu terpukul banget juga..
Gue udah gak begitu berharap. Soalnya gue juga udah capek.
Mungkin bener kata orang2 gue terlalu fokus ke OSIS.
Tapi bener juga kata temen gue, kelas 1 gue ikut untuk cari pengalaman. Kelas 2? (semoga gue gak hanya sekedar menghibur diri)

Gue emang udah gak begitu semangat. Ask my close friends.

Lebih fokus ke OSIS dan terutama AS Level. Sampe AS Level gue gagal juga, gue baru terpukul banget. Gue paling gak suka kalau gue udah pecah fokus. Segala mau dijabanin sampe akhirnya gak ada yang maksimal. The result day is on September. Let's wait and see.

Sekali lagi maaf banget bagi yang udah berharap banyak ke gue untuk OSN ini. Tapi gue sendiri aja masih bisa senyum denger kabarnya. Gue tau emang lagi bukan saatnya aja. Mungkin ini waktunya gue istirahat. Dan kesempatan buat orang2 yang lebih semangat dan niat dari gue. Walau artinya cita2 gue untuk OSN di luar kota tidak menjadi kenyataan. That's fine :)

I'll make it to my graduation. My next destination : Singapore. NUS/NTU. Amin.

Gak lolos OSN gak bikin gue jadi gak cinta sama biologi kok. Gue ikut OSN biologi karena gue cinta biologi. (Ah nanti kapan2 bahas juga deh tentang 'How Did I Love Biology')

AHHH yang gue sesalin adalah : GUE GAK DAPET JAS LAB DAN KAOS2 GRATIS LAGIIII :''''''

Pray for me I'll get something better than this. Or at least I can learn a lesson from this. I know God will never done anything to me without consideration.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Quoted Lyrics (from Glee musics)

"What started out as friendship, has grown stronger"

"And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might"

"I've forgotten what I started fighting for"

-Can't Fight This Feeling-

"Don't know much about your life.
Don't know much about your world, but
Don't want to be alone tonight,
On this planet they call earth."

"Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay"

-Taking Chances-

"Set me free why don't cha babe

Get out of my life why don't cha babe

'coz you don't really love me

You just keep me hangin'on

You don't really need me

But you keep me hangin'on"

"You claim you still care for me
But your heart and soul needs to be free
now that you've got your freedom
You wanna still hold on to me
You don't want me for yourself
So let me find somebody else"

-Keep Me Hangin' On-

"Some things I cannot change

But till I try, I'll never know!"

-Defying Gravity-

"Your eyes, they tell me how much you care"

-Endless Love-

"Don't be ashamed to cry"

"Nothing you confess could make me love you less"

"So if you're mad, get mad
Don't hold it all inside"

"Take me in into your darkest hour"

-I'll Stand By You-

"Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow "

"Lean on me!
when you're not strong
and I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on"

-Lean On-

"Accept me for what I am
Accept me for the things that I do"

-Don't Make Me Over-

"Smile tho' your heart is aching,

Smile even though it's breaking,

When there are clouds in the sky- You'll get by,

If you Smile through your pain and sorrow,

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You'll see the sun come shining through- For you."

"That's the time (thats the time) you must keep on trying,

Smile- What's the use of crying,

You'll find that life is still worthwhile,

If you just smile.”

-Smile (Charlie Chaplin)-

"You can't always get what you want

But if you try sometime you'll find

You get what you need”

-You Can’t Always Get What You Want-

"Hello, is it me you're looking for?"

"I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted"

"Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?"

"Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you"


"And a house is not a home
When the two of us are far apart.
And one of us has a broken heart."

-A House Is Not A Home-

"I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no"


"Every now and then I get a little bit tired of
listening to the sound of my tears"

"And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever"

-Total Eclipse of The Heart-

"Everybody's got their dues in life to pay"

"You got to lose to know how to win"

-Dream On-

"But there are dreams that cannot be"

"I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living"

-I Dreamed A Dream-

red: favourite



check this out!

This is the biggest event of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta
Let us show you how is the feeling of



add me! :)

What is, Mature?

Gue kepikiran, apa itu sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan, dewasa?

Apa dewasa itu sekedar matang emosi? Atau dewasa itu sekedar lahir lebih dulu? Apa dewasa itu sekedar berpengalaman? But the fact is, setiap orang, mau itu lahir duluan atau belakangan, akan mendapat kesempatan pengalaman yang berbeda2. Pengalaman mana yang menjadikan ia dewasa?

Kalau misalnya A tau bagaimana cara mengontrol emosi, tapi B lebih tau cara bekerja dan memplanning dengan baik dan benar. Mana yang lebih dewasa?

Oke, mungkin dewasa itu lebih erat kaitannya dengan kematangan emosi. Tapi kalau emosi matang tapi ia tidak bisa apa2? Misal, secara teknis kerja atau sosialisasi? Mana yang lebih dewasa? Orang yang tenang, sabar, tidak mudah marah, atau orang yang mengerti cara hidup, bekerja, dan sebagainya yang lebih teknis?

Mungkin keduanya sudah dewasa dalam arti yang berbeda. Atau mungkin keduanya belum dewasa.

I copied it from my own notes:

Experience is the best teacher, I agree. But experience needs time, cases, and right circumstances. So, maybe an old man know more nothing than me in my this age. Compare a person that has lived for years and just stay at home with easiness and glory, to a kid that always goes from place to place with sorrow and misery. Experience is the best teacher, and age is nothing to do with it. And experience gives a lesson which must be different for each person. So, when exactly a person called mature?

How if, you know what to do, but you don't know how to do it? Remember, lead by example. Don't call yourself mature when you can't BE mature.

So, be mature in all lesson you got. Don't waste any single experience because it must gives you a lesson. And be modest. You don't know if there is someone that more mature than you outside, same as your age, or maybe be younger.

Intinya, jangan gampang nganggep diri sendiri udah dewasa. Belum tentu di mata orang lain begitu. Mungkin lo udah ngerasa karena udah tau caranya yang benar. Tapi selama lo belum bisa ngebuktiin, lo belum dewasa. Jangan gampang besar kepala karena hal yang lo nilai sendiri. Dengar kata orang lain. Karena, saat lo udah terlalu percaya diri akan kedewasaan lo, lo akan cenderung merasa superior dibanding yang lain.

Always get a lesson from every person you meet. They have got other experiences that you have not.

Diary Fail

Beberapa waktu sebelum ini gue pengen banget bikin diary, nulis diary sendiri. Gue sampe bela2in ke Gramedia Matraman dalam waktu yang mendesak cuma buat beli 1 buku buat diary gue. Hasilnya?


Tadinya gue pengen bikin diary biar gue ga perlu sedih kalau lagi gak punya temen curhat. Jadi gue tinggal menumpahkan segala perasaan gue ke situ. EH, baru juga sehari pake, rasanya udah gak bener. Gak enak aja. Baru 4/5 halaman yang gue buat kurang dari sejam, udah gue robek lagi akhirnya. Ujung2nya dipake buat catetan OSIS hahahahah. Mungkin gue emang bukan tipe penulis diary yang baik ya? Gue senengnya curhat. Hmmmh. Ah nanti gue posting lagi ah tentang 'My Demand on Curhat'

Duh lagi seneng ngeblog lagi nih tiba2 gara2 kemaren ngeposting yang 'Another brother'. Hm, gapapa deh, sekalian lagi liburan ini hohoh

My Charming Guys List

These are guys that are charming in my opinion :3

1. Jake Gyllenhaal

First time I knew him was in his big screen movie, 'Prince of Persia'. He was stunning. He was adorable. He amazes me. He is..charming. Right after I came out from the theatre room, I screamed his name. I screamed how he was acting. I somehow kinda feel familiar with his face, and I'm still wondering until my friend said he somekind looks like Kevin Aprilio. keyboardist of the Viera.

See? They are look a like are they not?

I love jake because of his, bad boy face actually. And after I searched for his pictures in Google, I think he IS really a bad boy -,-

2. Hugh Laurie

He is old? Okay he is old. So what? He is 51. But I really admire him. I admire him as Dr. Gregory House, actually. I don't know his actual personality.

I love his ignorance, his joke, his sarcasm, his idea, his cleverness, connecting to me, loving Biology. I love the way he easily makes an assumption about illness or something and anything. His criticism and sarcasm is like someone I know. And I like it.

He is also physically not bad. He is great :)

3. Joachim Loew

He is the new coach of national soccer team of Germany. I first noticed his charm in the first match of Germany in this year World Cup. I feel like I have ever seen him somewhere, but I forgot where. The only thing I noticed next was that, he is cool :) I don't know much about him, I just love it when the camera shoot at him so I can see that he is there woohoo (gak segitunya juga sih, lebay -_-, I'm too exaggerating)

4. Jim Carey

From long ago until now, Jim Carey never go. Eventhough now he has aged and become not that cute anymore, but his jokes, his dumb face, his fun personality, I will never forget. My favorite of his show is 'Ace Ventura'. And it was playing when I was a kid.

He always looks friendly. I hope his carrier goes as he wants :)

5. Tyce Diorio

Okay, you must have known where did I find this cute guy. 'So You Think You Can Dance', all right. He is a choreographer, especially for Broadway and Contemporary routine. He is cute, tough, serious, hmmm I think he is a bit mean. But I don't know exactly. I just love him lately, and I noticed it because I always happy if I know that he will choreograph something and his face shot. He looks cute and smile :D

6. Oli Pettigrew

For you, AXN watchers! You must have familiar with this face, don't you?
He is.. Oli! :D Host of Sony TV Style Magazine. And he sometimes appears in Animax as well, advertising Sony products. He is cuteeeee, for the first time I saw him. I don't know much about him. I just think he is cute.

Okay, that's all for this list. I don't know, maybe I actually love more than this, I don't know. I don't really care about hot guys, handsome guys. So, I don't remember who else that I called charming. I'll try to update soon if I have more lists. See you! :)

Ayo ikut Akoforsi 2010!

Akoforsi, atau Ajang Kompetisi Formasi dan Baris Berbaris ini, adalah salah satu proker gue sebagai anggota Subseksi Upacara yang pada tahun ini diadakan oleh periode XLIV - XLV.


Akoforsi tahun ini akan diadakan di SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta, pada tanggal 31 Juli - 1 Agustus 2010, untuk tingkat SMP/sederajat dan SMA/sederajat se-Jabodetabek. Undangan akan diantar ke sekolah masing2. Bagi yang berminat, bisa langsung hubungi contact personnya yaaaaa!

Ayo ayo bagi yang merasa regionnya termasuk, dan tertarik untuk ikut, jangan ragu buat daftar ya :)))